First Reconciliation



A child preparing for these sacraments must have completed a full year of religious instruction IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING the program year of preparation and reception of the sacraments. Normally this preparation will take place within the regular sacramental preparation programs.  Students entering the program after an extended absence or without prior religious instruction may be required to complete the children's catechumenate process. Eligibility for sacrament preparation and reception will be determined by the Coordinator of Religious Education and/or the pastor of the Church of the Ascension.


A child entering Ascension's Religious Education programs from another parish will submit a letter/report from the previously attended program's director/coordinator stating that the child was a participating member of a class the current or previous year.



Instruction for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance) is required before a child receives First Eucharist (First Communion). Preparation normally takes place during second grade. Preparation for First Reconciliation for children is the responsibility of the parent, in cooperation with the parish.

 The Sacrament of Penance preparation program consists of these components:

  • regular attendance in religion class
  • participation by child and parent(s) in the Peace Day Retreat which will include a parent meeting with distribution of preparation materials.
  • decoration of a candle (supplied by the parish) to be used at the First Reconciliation celebration
  • celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation